R A Clement
High School
Classes of 1943 - 1968
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Hazel Alexander (1962)
Bernice Allen (1954)
Derry Allen (1968)
Elizabeth Allen (1951)
Gary Allen (1965)
Henry Allen (1958)
Thelma Louise Allen (1953)
William Allen (1956)
Alfred D. Anderson (1962)
Carolyn Anderson (Wilson) (1966)
Ola Angle (1970)
Claude Avery (1973)
Ernestine Avery (Cornelius) (1973)
Jean Avery (1964)
Kay Avery (Miles) (1956)
Mary Catherine Avery (Rice) (1951)
Mildred Avery (1977)
Stuart Avery (1974)
Thelma Avery (1953)
Wanda Avery (CuthbertsonWest) (1967)
Claudia Bailey (Moses) (1963)
Felix Bailey Jr. (1962)
Barber Ann Barber (Brown) (1967)
Hugh Barber (1958)
Mary Barber (Gibson) (1973)
Mimi Barber (1972)
Roosevelt Barber (1950)
Sylia Barber (1958)
Sylvia Barber (1977)
Tommy Barber (1980)
Tommy V. Barber (1975)
Walter Barber (1961)
David Bares (1980)
Rickey Bares (1978)
Robert Bares (1978)
Carrie Bellamy (1972)
Elizabeth Bellamy (Scott) (1971)
Debra Black (1980)
Patricia Ann Blackmon (1976)
Vina Mae Blackmon (Knox) (1959)
Brenda Blackwell (1970)
Eloise Blackwell (Rustin) (1971)
Elouise Blackwell (1971)
George Blackwell (1972)
Harvey Lee Blackwell (1966)
Jerry Blackwell (1968)
Joseph Blackwell (1971)
Mary Frances Blackwell (Young) (1959)
Norman Blackwell (1968)
Paulette Blackwell (Miller) (1967)
Robert L. Blackwell (1964)
Samuel Blackwell (1960)
Thelma Blackwell (Rankin) (1961)
Thomas Blackwell (1969)
Barbara Blair (1949)
Robert Blair (1959)
Matthew Borders (1970)
Sylvia Borders (1977)
Benita Bost (1979)
Cathy Bost (1979)
Dorothy Bost (Scott) (1961)
John A. Bost (1975)
Kevin Bost (1980)
Norman Bost (1974)
Sandra Bost (1972)
Harvey Boyd (1979)
Virgina Boyd (1954)
Rhetta Braber (1969)
Anna Lucille Brandon (1960)
Vonnie E. Brandon (1969)
Patricia Brandon(West Rowan) (Copeland) (1967)
Brenda Brawley (1969)
Cleotha Brawley (1966)
Curlee Brawley (1964)
Glenda Brawley (1973)
Ronald Brawley (1972)
Shirley Brawley (1958)
Sinlinda L. Brawley (1965)
Tony Brawley (1976)
Wanda Brawley (1972)
Bernett Brevard (1953)
David Brown (1972)
Hazel Brown (March) (1955)
Gertrude Burton (1963)
Patricia Burton (1973)
William Burton (1971)
Willie Mae Burton (1971)
Charles Caldwell (1971)
Dorothy Caldwell (1974)
John L. Caldwell (1969)
Linda Faye Caldwell (1969)
Shirley Caldwell (Alexander) (1971)
Jacqueline Carr (Steele) (1956)
Priscilla Carr (1966)
Valerie Carr (Thomas) (1952)
Pressley Carr Jr. (1978)
Gary Carson (1971)
Annette Carter (1980)
Lucille M. Cauthen (1975)
Pal Cauthen (1979)
David Chambers (1979)
Joann Chambers (1971)
Lindsay Chambers (1964)
Margaret Chambers (1977)
Debra Cherry (1976)
Gloria Cherry (Sharpe) (1973)
Greg Cherry (1980)
Henry Cherry (1974)
Martha Cherry (1963)
Sylvia Cherry (1973)
Connie Mae Chunn (1966)
Kenny Clement (1979)
Lillian L. Conner (1958)
Avon Cornelius (1970)
Kathleen Cornelius (1965)
Michael Cornelius (1967)
Sahara Deloris Cornelius (1968)
Sandra Cornelius (1978)
Stacy Cornelius (1973)
Carolyn Corry (1973)
Freddie Corry (1971)
Jeannine Cory (1979)
Andre Cowan (1977)
Annie Louise Cowan (Ashford) (1961)
Annie R. Cowan (1957)
Ashley Cowan (1979)
Betty Cowan (1954)
Cassie Cowan (1956)
Celestine Cowan (1956)
Clark Cowan (Pharr) (1975)
Clora Cowan (1954)
Frances Cowan (1980)
Gaston Cowan (1954)
Isreal Cowan (1952)
John Cowan (1954)
Josephine Cowan (1957)
Lewis Cowan (1971)
Louise Cowan (1970)
Regina Cowan (1972)
Robert Cowan (1961)
Rosa Cowan (1974)
Ruby Cowan (1967)
Veneta Cowan (1974)
Henry Culbertson (1954)
James Walter Culbertson (1959)
Kathline Culbertson (1956)
Martha Culbertson (1960)
Sylvester Culbertson (1978)
Lizzie Curry (1973)
Addie Cuthbertson (Brown) (1961)
Anittie C Cuthbertson (1975)
Annie Bell Cuthbertson (1958)
Cynthia Cuthbertson (1977)
Debra Cuthbertson (1973)
Doris Cuthbertson (1961)
Hettie V. Cuthbertson (1965)
Jerry Cuthbertson (1970)
Johnnie Mack Cuthbertson (1980)
Kenny Cuthbertson (1977)
Larry Cuthbertson (1972)
Leroy Cuthbertson (1967)
Libby J. Cuthbertson (1962)
Linda Cuthbertson (1973)
Marie Cuthbertson (1964)
Mary Cuthbertson (Dalton) (1971)
Mary Cuthbertson (McConeyhead) (1956)
Maude Cuthbertson (1967)
Paul Cuthbertson (1976)
Paul E. Cuthbertson (1969)
Rickey Cuthbertson (1975)
Sophia Cuthbertson (1980)
Tommy Cuthbertson (1977)
Vanessa Cuthbertson (Williams) (1973)
Wanda Cuthbertson (1979)
William Cuthbertson (1964)
Richard Cuthbertson Jr. (1980)
Brenda Dalton (1976)
Florence Daughtery (1961)
John Daughtery (1961)
Leon Daughtery (1967)
Leroy Daughtery (1961)
Henry Daughtry (1967)
Leon Daughtry (1967)
Betty Grace Davis (1968)
John Davis (1979)
Ophelia Davis (Johnson) (1979)
Percy Davis (1972)
Ronnie Davis (1970)
Essie Deese (HougeWest Rowan) (1966)
Leonard Deese (1967)
Allen Derry (1968)
Sylvia Donald (West Rowan) (1968)
Howard Doran (1954)
Isaac Doran (1954)
Alexander Edwards (1956)
Willie Edwards (1955)
Annie Mae Ellis (Davis) (1973)
Charles Ellis (1967)
Charles T. Ellis (1969)
Donald Ellis (1977)
Dorothy Louise Ellis (Scott) (1961)
Janet Ellis (Douglas) (1979)
John Ellis (1960)
Leroy Ellis (1967)
Margaret Ellis (1979)
Mary Ellis (1970)
Mary K Ellis (1969)
Patricia Ellis (1977)
Ralph Ellis (1973)
Richard Ellis (1972)
Robert Ellis (1974)
Wayne Ellis (1979)
Willie Joe Ellis (1976)
George Everhardt (1970)
W C Everhardt (1970)
Alma Everhart (1973)
Dianne Everhart (1975)
Murriel Everhart (1973)
Ollie Everhart (1975)
Peggy Everhart (1977)
Shawn Faggart (1980)
Tim Faggart (1976)
Willie Ruth Feamister (1953)
Dorita Feamster (1952)
Josephine Feamster (Houston) (1956)
Deborah Fisher (1971)
Doris Fisher (1974)
John Franklin Fisher (1960)
Maggie J. Fisher (1957)
Patricia Fisher (1972)
William Fisher (1970)
Bruce Fleming (1948)
Debra Fleming (1975)
Gloria Fleming (1977)
J. L. Fleming (1949)
James William Fleming (1960)
Mae Fleming (1979)
Mary Fleming (1970)
Ralph Fleming (1950)
Rickey C Fleming (1976)
Ruth Fleming (1948)
Charles Fletcher (1971)
Joyce Fletcher (Johnson) (1971)
Rosemary Fletcher (1973)
Dicey Forney (Chambers) (1949)
Ernest Fortune (1963)
Debra Fowler (1976)
Dorothy Fowler (1976)
John Fowler (1975)
Frances E. Gaines (1960)
Betty Gaither (1976)
Emma Gaither (1964)
Lonnie Gaither (1964)
Margo Gaither (1970)
John Gary (1970)
Albert Geter (1976)
Blanche Geter (1960)
Debra Geter (1973)
Debra Geter (1977)
Dorthy M. Geter (Turner) (1962)
Herbert Eugene Geter (1961)
James Geter (1972)
James R. Gillespie (1957)
John D Gillespie (1958)
Bertha N. Glaspy (1955)
Rosa Mae Glenn (1969)
Camilla Graham (Martin) (1956)
Kent L. Graham (1959)
Abbie Gray (1950)
Alice V. Gray (1965)
Cathy Gray (1971)
Cindy Gray (1979)
Darlene Gray (1977)
Doris Gray (1960)
Dorothy Gray (1972)
John Gray (1974)
Juanita Gray (Imes) (1951)
Lonnie Gray (1969)
Lynetta Gray (1973)
Mary Jo Gray (Imes) (1963)
Naomi R. Gray (1962)
Rickey Gray (1977)
Rickey Gray (1976)
Robert Gray (1976)
Theodore Gray (1974)
Velvie Gray (1976)
Veronica Gray (1980)
Clarence W. Gray Jr. (1975)
Beulah Griffen (1951)
Abergail Hall (1969)
Ada Hall (Stockton) (1954)
Ava Hall (1976)
Benard Hall (1956)
Darryl Wayne Hall (1979)
Douglass Hall (1977)
Gary Hall (1965)
Gwendolyn Hall (1961)
James Nelson Hall (1965)
Presley Hall (1975)
Ralph Hall (1952)
Walter Hall (1971)
Lasandra Harper (1980)
Betty L. Haynes (1957)
Christene Heaggans (1964)
John Heaggins (1975)
Christine Heggins (1962)
Edward Higgins (1970)
Hennreitta Hogue (1969)
Kenneth Hogue (1976)
Milton Hogue (1970)
Milton Hogue (1971)
Phillip Hogue (1975)
Phyllis Hogue (1976)
Walter Hogue (1977)
Willam Hogue (1969)
Bertha Mae Holdsclaw (1953)
Frances Joe Holland (1960)
Robert L. Holland (1962)
Beverly Hooper (Sloan) (1973)
Ernest Hope (1971)
Bernadine Hosch (1969)
Billy Hosch (1980)
Kathleen Hosch (1975)
Roy Lee Hosch (1966)
Willie Hosch (1979)
James Hough (1961)
Brenda Houpe (1974)
Ernest Houpe (1971)
James Houpe (1977)
Joe Donald Houpe (1968)
Larry Houpe (1969)
Linda Houpe (1974)
Mary Patricia Houpe (1968)
Phyllis Houpe (1973)
Russell Houpe (1972)
Gwendolyn Housch (1950)
Hillard Houston (1951)
John Robert Houston (1953)
Jonathan D Houston (1975)
Myrl Houston (Thomas) (1950)
Pearl Houston (1950)
Shelia Houston (1977)
William Houston (1965)
Debra A. Howard (1969)
Kenneth Hoyle (1977)
Bernard Hunter (1972)
Edwin Hutchinson (1975)
Brenda Hyde (Pierce) (1969)
Ronald Hyde (1973)
Booster IJames (1972)
Jacqueline IJames (1970)
James Calvin Ijames (1973)
Lavern Ijames (1975)
Angela Imes (1979)
Jay Kelly Imes (1967)
Margret Jackson (Calwell) (1954)
Mary Ann Jackson (1962)
Willie Jackson (1964)
Debra Jarvis (1971)
Fredrick Jeffries (1970)
Brenda Johnson (Alston) (1971)
Dorothy Johnson (Perkins) (1956)
Frances Johnson (Ellis) (1960)
James N. (Boogie) Johnson (1959)
Karen Johnson (1977)
Mary D. Johnson (1955)
Raymond Johnson (1970)
Sylvia Johnson (1972)
Willie Johnson (1961)
Annie Jones (1954)
Edith Elaine Jones (1968)
Garland Jones (West Rowan) (1968)
Ida Patricia Jones (Rice) (1976)
James Jones (1971)
James Cleo Jones (1960)
Lee Anna Jones (1960)
Priscilla Louise Jones (1961)
Clinton Jones Jr. (1976)
Norman Kelly (1980)
Linda Kennerly (Barber) (1967)
Linda Kennerly (Barber) (1967)
Joseph Kesler (1977)
Matthew Kesler (1958)
Melvinia Kesler (Cummings) (1979)
Steve Kesler (1974)
Ann Knox (1951)
Barbara Knox (1971)
Cindy Knox (Feaster) (1976)
Debra Van Knox (1969)
Gerry Knox (1978)
J. Viola Knox (Hosch) (1955)
James Knox (1961)
James Knox (1951)
James Anthony Knox (1977)
Janie L. Knox (Truman) (1957)
John Knox (1967)
John Marshall Knox (1952)
Julia Neal Knox (1951)
Laura Knox (Smith) (1954)
Micheal KNox (1978)
Phillip Knox (1980)
Rachel Knox (1951)
Robert Clayton Knox (1979)
Susan Knox (1971)
Tommy Knox (1970)
Vanessa Knox (Chunn) (1971)
Bertha Bernice Krider (1965)
Margie M. Krider (1962)
Dewella Lacey (1979)
James Lassiter (1958)
Ada Leach (1970)
Ann Leach (1973)
Barbara Leach (1977)
Lillian Leach (1969)
Lois H. Leach (1969)
Mach Leach (1975)
Patricia Ann Leach (Funderburk) (1972)
Faye Leazer (Morris) (1967)
George Leazer (1954)
Joyce Leazer (Smyre) (1963)
Katherleen Leazer (1953)
Price W. Leazer (1965)
Walter Leazer (1954)
Jimmy Lewis (1954)
Carolyn Litaker (1971)
Gary Litaker (1976)
Linda Litaker (1975)
Patricia D. Litaker (1969)
Roy Litaker (1961)
Sara H. Litaker (Brown) (1967)
Uvern Litaker (1962)
Linda D. Logan (1969)
Eloise Love (West Rowan) (1968)
Doris Ann Lovell (Noble) (1966)
Herman Lovell (1961)
Ben Luckey (1951)
Benjamin Luckey (1949)
Bettye Luckey (1959)
Colean Luckey (1965)
Ilene Luckey (1961)
Patricia Luckey (1975)
Pete Luckey (1960)
Richard Luckey (1972)
Thelma Luckey (1971)
Deborah Lyerly (1956)
Edward Lyerly (1974)
Nathan Lyerly (1979)
William A. Lyerly (1960)
Lucius Mangham (1973)
Jerry Reece Marlin (1966)
Lisa Marshall (1979)
Bill Martin (1951)
Wilton Martin (1954)
Annie Mattison (Dupree) (1971)
May Frances Mayberry (1956)
Robert Mayberry (1960)
Doris Mayfield (Gray) (1961)
Felton Mayfield (1979)
Libby Mayfield (1976)
Mattie Mayfield (1967)
Ruby Mayfield (1966)
Mary McConneughey (Rankin) (1967)
Sarah McConnoughey (1976)
Cynthia McCoy (1980)
Dorothea McCoy (1971)
Ethel Mae McCoy (1965)
John (Jw) McCoy (1968)
Richard Odell McCoy (1965)
James McElhaney (1979)
Earlie McGee (1953)
Annie McGhee (1950)
Glady McHenry (1976)
Thomas McHenry Jr. (1975)
Mary McIntyre (1970)
Garland (Kantigi) McLaughlin(Camara) (1967)
Sandra MCNeely (1970)
Yvonne McNeely (Wonson) (1961)
Gene MConnenghey (1967)
James Miles (1977)
Charles Miller (1971)
Dorothy Miller (1954)
Harry Miller (1967)
Iris E. Miller (1969)
Jean Miller (1954)
Leanna Miller (1973)
Milton Mitchell (1975)
Anthony Mongham (1971)
Carolyn Montgomery (1979)
Gloria Montgomery (1976)
Jay Montgomery (1960)
Jay Montgomery (1970)
Lynn Montgomery (1977)
Mary Montgomery (1951)
Shirley A. Montgomery (Geter) (1962)
William Montgomery (1967)
William Montgomery (1968)
Arthur Moore (1952)
Brenda Moore (Rucker) (1967)
Elaine Moore (1952)
Rachel Moore (1954)
Samuel C. Morris (1957)
Catherine Moss (1976)
Vicki Moss (1977)
Walter Moss (1977)
Kathy Mott (1976)
Laurie Mott (1974)
Lawrence. Charlie Mott (1976)
Annette Murdock (1969)
Marie Murdock (Maxwell) (1973)
Emogene Myers (1964)
Joseph Allen Neal (1969)
Margaret L. Neal (1962)
Patricia Neal (1972)
Rosie Neal (1975)
Elmer T. Neely (1957)
Stedman Newsome (1968)
Annie Niblock (1953)
Reginald Niblock (1972)
Tonya Niblock (1980)
Babia Norman (1977)
Barbara Norman (1975)
Jannette Norman (1967)
Richard Norman (1968)
Rosemary V. Norman (1974)
Ernest O. Parker (1969)
Emery Partee (1979)
Andrea Patterson (1979)
Avery Gene Patterson (1960)
Jerry Patterson (1963)
Linda Patterson (1971)
Marlene Patterson (1976)
Millard E. Patterson (1965)
Traci Patterson (1977)
William Patterson (1970)
Angela Payne (1976)
Elaine Payne (1977)
Marcia Payne (1979)
Curtis Pearson (1976)
Dianne Pearson (1977)
Fred Pearson (1980)
Kay Frances Peck (1973)
Phillip Peck (1977)
Hubert R. Perkins (1955)
John Perkins (1953)
Charlotte Perry (1972)
Clark Pharr (1975)
Ray Pharr (1971)
Robin Pharr (1973)
Derrick Phifer (1975)
Doris Jean Phifer (1960)
Elizabeth Katie Phifer (1958)
Emma Jean Phifer (West Rowan) (1966)
Emma L. Phifer (1960)
Hazel Phifer (1961)
Helen Phifer (Moore) (1962)
James Leroy Phifer (1959)
Mary Louise Phifer (1956)
Nellie Phifer (1961)
William Phifer (1964)
Charles Phillips (1967)
Patricia Phillips (Johnson West Rowan) (1968)
James E. Pickett (1962)
Wilhe Pressley (1972)
Willie Pressley (1973)
Debra Price (Everhart) (1973)
Quester Ester Price (Cuthbertson) (1962)
Robert Price (1976)
Sylvia Price (1977)
Sylvia Price (1971)
James Price Jr. (1975)
Mary Ruth Prickett (1956)
Jerry Propst (1972)
Nathaniel Propst (1964)
Ammie Alberta Pruitt (1957)
Dezaree Pruitt (1959)
Dorothy Pruitt (1958)
Elmer Pruitt (1954)
L. D. Pruitt (1957)
Lelia Pruitt (Rudifel) (1952)
Matthew Pruitt (1979)
Pecolia Pruitt (1952)
Sammy Lee Pruitt (1953)
Walter Pruitt (1971)
Ernest A. Quarles (1978)
Bessie Ramseur (1952)
Charles Ramseur (1952)
David Ramseur (1973)
Julian Ramseur (1978)
Arthur Ramsey (1968)
Barnie Ramsey (1952)
Carolyn Ramsey (1969)
David Ramsey (1951)
James T. Ramsey (1957)
Jewel Ramsey (1980)
Kathy Ramsey (1973)
Margaret L. Ramsey (1955)
Marian Ramsey (1970)
Pamela Ramsey (1972)
Ronnie Ramsey (1977)
Sharon Ramsey (1976)
Valda Ramsey (1975)
Beretta Ramsue (1954)
Joyce A Ramsue (Thompson) (1974)
Judy Ramsue (1978)
LulaBell Ramsue (1972)
Margaret Ramsue (1979)
Barbara J Rankin (1956)
Betty Rankin (1970)
Carolyn Denise Rankin (1975)
Cornelius A. Rankin (1960)
Dale Rankin (1971)
David Rankin (1979)
Delano Rankin (1964)
Frank Rankin (1950)
Gail Rankin (1970)
Ilena Rankin (West Rowan) (1966)
James Rankin (1977)
James H. Rankin (1957)
Jeanette Rankin (1975)
Joy Rankin (1974)
Larry Rankin (1972)
Lillie Elaine T. Rankin (1969)
Martha Rankin (1974)
Patricia Rankin (1971)
Ronald Erwin Rankin (1976)
Ronnie Rankin (1976)
Ruth Rankin (1976)
Sharon Rankin (1976)
Thomas Rankin (1975)
Tommy Rankin (1954)
Tommy Rankin (1956)
Victoria Rankin (1971)
Walter Earl Rankin (1966)
Wanda Kaye Rankin (1978)
John Gilbert Rankin Jr. (1976)
Gladys Irene Rawls (Black) (1966)
Barbara Reddick (1956)
John Reddick (1970)
George Redmond (1970)
Ray Redmond (1970)
Savannah Redmond (1970)
Paul Rhodes (1980)
Kevin Rice (1972)
Mary Riddick (Miller) (1952)
Christine Robinson (1948)
Robert Lee Robinson (1975)
Calvin Roebuck (1976)
Georgianna Rousseau (1976)
Julia N. Rousseau (1965)
Richard Rousseau (1949)
Walter Rousseau (1970)
Elnora Scott (West Rowan) (1968)
Charles Shaver (1956)
Carrie Vincent Sherrill (1966)
David J. Sherrill (1969)
Levonia Sherrill (Davis) (1971)
Betrice Sifford (Hunter) (1956)
Allen Simmons (1973)
LeAnn Simmons (1953)
Malvia Simmons (Houpe) (1971)
Terry Simmons (1968)
Clyde Sloan (1971)
Dianne Sloan (1979)
Irma Sloan (Jeffries) (1963)
Randy Sloan (1979)
Robert Eugene Sloan (Houge) (1966)
Vernon Sloan (1971)
Catherine Smith (1956)
Charles Smith (1979)
Ivan Smith (1980)
Creola Smyre (1951)
Ethel Louise Smyre (1953)
Mable Smyre (1957)
Pauline Smyre (1955)
Willie L. Smyre (1965)
Fredinec (Freddie) Spaulding (1980)
Florence Spease (1954)
Jacqueline Springs (1967)
Jacqueline Springs (1967)
Jacqueline Springs (1967)
Gene Steele (1958)
Sybil Steele (Henderson) (1973)
Alice Stevenson (1952)
Carlton A. Stevenson (1959)
Joseph Stevenson (1976)
Yvonne De. Stevenson (1957)
Dennis Still (1980)
Greg Still (1977)
Patrica Stinson (Turner West Rowan) (1968)
Dorothy Stockson (Marshall) (1971)
Annie Stockton (1974)
Clarence Stockton (1952)
Debbie S. Stockton (1975)
Donald Stockton (1972)
Dorothy Stockton (1971)
Edward Stockton (1964)
Isaac A. Stockton (1962)
James Stockton (1964)
James Stockton (1962)
Lucinda Stockton (1975)
Mary Belle Stockton (Andrews) (1959)
Robert Lee Stockton (1975)
William L. Stockton (1969)
Rochal Stokes (1980)
Betty Stringer (West Rowan) (1968)
Calvetta Stringer (Petersen) (1967)
Debbie Stringer (1974)
Doris Stringer (1970)
Patricia Summers (1967)
Vicky Summers (1975)
Lucy Table (1951)
Robert Table (1960)
Thomas Table (1949)
Elaine Terrell (1969)
Linda Tomblin (1972)
Christine Geneva Torrence (1968)
Edward Torrence (1970)
Willie Gray Torrence (1956)
Charles Troy (1971)
Ann Turner (1956)
Asalee Turner (1968)
Diane D. Turner (1975)
Helen Turner (1972)
Matilda Turner (1976)
Patricia Turner (1967)
Sonny B Turner (1960)
Brenda Vaughters (1974)
Matthew Vaughters (1969)
Hullen Christopher Walker (1966)
Jesse Walker (1966)
Leroy Walker (1972)
Nellie Mae Walker (1960)
Robert Walker (1967)
Florence Wallace (Sifford) (1963)
Helen Wallace (Brawley) (1963)
Pauline J. Wallace (1962)
James Ware (1953)
Vinnie Ware (1949)
Allene V. Watkins (1960)
Irene D. Watkins (1955)
Willie Leon Watkins (1960)
Levonia Watson (Dalton) (1976)
Diane White (1976)
Marilyn White (1980)
Mary White (1980)
Michael Eugene White (1966)
Vivian White (1975)
George Wilkins (1970)
Carl M Williams (1969)
Lawrence Eugene Williams (1961)
Samuel R. Williams (1960)
Brenda Wilson (1971)
Claudine Wilson (West Rowan) (1968)
George D. Wilson (1960)
Glennie Wilson (1965)
James Wilson (1970)
Edith Withers (1969)
Patricia Withers (1977)
Alice Wood (Tribbett) (1974)
Barbara Ann Wood (1969)
Bertidean Wood (1972)
Beverly Wood (1971)
Larry Wood (1976)
Marjorie Wood (1951)
Nathaniel Wood (1976)
Paula E. Wood (1969)
Thomas Wood (1979)
Tommy Wood (1973)
Yvonne Wood (Fisher) (1971)
Arnie Woods (1973)
Deborah Van Woods (1969)
Ell Mae Woods (1961)
Mae Frances Woods (Luckey) (1969)
Maxine Woods (1980)
Cartrell W. Woods Jr. (1975)